Thursday October 15th, 2015 New Westminster Blue Trees project points to problem of deforestation Song sung blue, weeping like a maple. It doesn’t quite have the cachet of the old Neil Diamond tune that wept like a willow, but the art project Blue Trees would like you to take a moment and, if not weep, at least think about the plight of trees in parts of the world where deforestation is ongoing. Learn more Monday October 5th, 2015 Council approves money for Blue Trees Be on the lookout for blue trees, now that council has narrowly passed a motion Tuesday night to pay $7,500 to the Vancouver Biennale for the Blue Trees installation. Blue Trees is the last project in the 2014-2016 Vancouver Biennale in Squamish. Learn more Monday October 5th, 2015 Best of Vancouver 2015: Arts For the Georgia Straight’s 20th annual Best of Vancouver issue, our editorial team provides some insight into the irreverent details that make our city great. Here’s our contributors’ picks for Best of Vancouver 2015. Learn more Thursday October 1st, 2015 Listening to myself 朱诺奖得主 Vivian Fung 的创作世界 两年一度的温哥华双年展于今秋重新返乡,这一次的活动比以往涉足了更为广泛的艺术领域并第一次纳入了音乐元素。作为这一盛宴的共同缔造者,加拿大华裔女作曲家Vivian Fung在各项展出作品中寻找灵感谱写了长达25分钟的交响乐《Biennale Snapshots》,而生活中她也用心做好每一件事,努力谱写着自己的人生篇章。 Learn more Thursday October 1st, 2015 SLIDE AWAY SLIDE AWAY: John Harvey, Barrie Mowatt, Squamish Mayor Patricia Heintzman, Suzie Beliveau and Ammar Mahimwalla cut the ribbon at the opeing of the play park in the Smoke Bluffs Park. Learn more Thursday October 1st, 2015 FUN AT THE PARK FUN AT THE PARK: On Saturday the community came together to celebrate the opening of a new playground in the Smoke Bluffs Park. Learn more Thursday October 1st, 2015 Editor’s Choice ART INSPIRING ART ART INSPIRING ART When the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra kicks off its season, it'll feature a new work that plays on the public art you've see around the city this summer. Vivian Fung's Biennale Snapshots draws from the Vancouver Biennale's outdoor sculptures. Learn more Tuesday September 29th, 2015 Vancouver Symphony Orchestra’s season opener charms and challenges At the Orpheum on Saturday, September 26. Continues on September 28 There are some soloists who seem as though they are fighting an orchestra during a performance: pushing or pulling at the tempo, their body furiously pulsing, with nary a glance at their accompanying musicians. Violinist Miriam Fried is not such a player...This was not the only draw of the evening, however: the world premiere of Vivian Fung’sBiennale Snapshots opened the second half of the concert.   Learn more Thursday September 17th, 2015 Vancouver Symphony Orchestra’s Opening Weekend Set To Sparkle Consider the start-up event of the new classical music season to be the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra’s opening weekend, which arrives right at the end of September this year. Invariably, the VSO goes out of its way to make the event memorable. Months ago, while maestro Bramwell Tovey and I talked about his stepping down as music director at the end of the 2017/18 season, we touched on the complications of a steady stream of guest conductors test-driving the orchestra. Tovey candidly discussed the programming challenges, ending with a confession: “I want to keep some of the good stuff for myself.” Learn more Friday September 11th, 2015 Marcus Bowcott: Trans Am Totem puts cars on a pedestal One of the first sculptural pieces by Marcus Bowcott that I saw made me laugh. It was a small ceramic sculpture – about the size of maquette  – of several squashed cars and a Humvee all in a pale shade of green in an exhibition at the Evergreen Cultural Centre. As I described it in a review five years ago, I associated the colour more with “Martha Stewart than with a tough-looking civilian vehicle modeled after a military vehicle.” Learn more