Thursday November 19th, 2015 New West ready to be wowed by public art Community invited to WOW's arrival and official unveiling. Learn more Vancity Buzz Thursday November 19th, 2015 Massive 140-foot “W” art installation at New Westminster Pier The largest public art installation from the 2014-2016 Vancouver Biennale is being constructed on the New Westminster waterfront – a massive “W” made out of four 40-foot shipping containers. Learn more Thursday October 29th, 2015 Letter: Blue trees stir passion, dialogue While I have great respect for Chief editor Christine Endicott, I take issue with her editorial “Outcry about blue trees ignored” (Oct. 22). There is not doubt the Blue Trees installation has caused a kerfuffle in town. But before The Squamish Chief and some area residents condemn the project, our community might want to keep an open mind about it and other public art.   Learn more Monday October 26th, 2015 Art in Vancouver Biennale 温哥华双年展 露天的艺术博物馆 也许你 没听说过Vancouver Biennale这个拗口的名字,但你肯定见过温哥华英吉利湾旁那组大笑的铜人雕塑,格兰维尔岛上从6个丑陋的水泥大罐子变身而来的生动有趣的巨人玩偶,还有科学馆附近那叠摞在木桩上的废旧汽车,这些给城市带来无限趣味及美感的艺术品背后的始作俑者,就是Vancouver Biennale. Learn more Friday October 23rd, 2015 Trees turn blue, as project begins The Blue Trees installation got underway the morning of Oct. 22, though it was a little less ambitious than original plans suggested. Learn more Vancity Buzz Thursday October 22nd, 2015 Blue Trees have sprouted up in New West In an effort to raise awareness of worldwide deforestation and the resulting climate change, Blue Trees have started to spring up around New Westminster. Learn more Thursday October 22nd, 2015 Biennale artist is feeling Blue about the environment Konstantin Dimopoulos paints a stand of Squamish trees to highlight climate change Konstantin Dimopoulos wants your attention. The Egypt-born, Melbourne-based conceptual artist has come to Squamish as part of the Vancouver Biennale and is taking something we all take for granted — our lush vegetation — and changing it into something unforgettable. Learn more Monday October 19th, 2015 New West welcomes Blue Trees Konstantin Dimopoulos is trying to change the world – one tree at a time. The Australian artist visited New Westminster last week to help set up the new Blue Trees installation that’s part of the Vancouver Biennale. “Blue doesn’t exist in nature,” Dimopoulos told the Record. “There are red trees, there are yellow trees – but blue doesn’t. It’s a surreal environment, where people aren’t expecting to see blue. That’s why we are creating it.” If you’re looking for the Blue Trees around town, you’ll find one on Columbia Street (across from Anvil Centre), 12 in Westminster Pier Park (near the concession and the urban beach) and 20 on the front lawn of city hall. Learn more Monday October 19th, 2015 Blue Trees public art pigmenting party will bring attention to deforestation Artist Konstantin Dimopoulos is concerned we might not be seeing the forest for the trees when it comes to the effects of deforestation. In an effort to create awareness about the world's dwindling forests and resulting climate change, he's launched an initiative called Blue Trees. Learn more Thursday October 15th, 2015 What’s happening in New West? Top weekend picks for Oct. 16 to 18 Shopping, learning and getting entertained - you can do it all in New West this weekend. Here are the Record's top picks for the Oct. 16 to 18 weekend in New Westminster. 1. Attend a pigmenting party on the lawn of city hall, Australian artist Konstantin Dimopolous drops by to launch the Blue Trees installation that’s part of the Vancouver Biennale installation in New Westminster. Community members are invited to attend the pigmenting party on the front lawn of city hall, 511 Royal Ave., on Sunday, Oct. 18 from noon to 3 p.m. Learn more