Thursday September 18th, 2008 Public artworks will be a permanent legacy… There will be startling new light under the Cambie Street Bridge by the new Canada Line subway stop Second Avenue. Learn more Tuesday June 3rd, 2008 ‘Sophisticated’ Vancouver losing piece of art to Calgary Let's re-christen the Vancouver park board with the name that really fits: A device for rooting out interesting public art. In one of the most notable, myopic and politically correct blunders in memory, the park board has managed to lose an internationally recognized piece of public art. The upside-down church, known as Device For Rooting Out Evil, is going to Calgary.   Learn more Saturday May 3rd, 2008 Some found church whimsical It does what good art is supposed to do - it makes you think, stirs emotion, sparks debate and is simply impossible for the eye to miss. Learn more Monday October 1st, 2007 Art You Can Feel: The Vancouver Sculpture Biennale I am riding a bicycle for the first time in 20 years, and "my" city has opened up to me like a jack-in-the-box. I am making a tour of 24 sculptures from 11 countries, which have been nestled in Vancouver's public landscape for 18 months. Learn more Monday October 24th, 2005 Biennale brings bevy of sculptures A local organization hopes to make the city a world destination for outdoor sculpture. Framed by the natural beauty of the city's parks, the Vancouver International Sculpture Biennale showcases 30 massive sculptures by 24 of the world's finest sculptors- including Bill Reid and Yoko Ono. Learn more Friday October 14th, 2005 going out- Earthquake-proof sculpture shake-up It's not always easy enticing Vancouverites out to artistic events, but getting a dose of culture is about to become a literal walk in the park with the Vancouver International Sculpture Biennale. Showcasing 30 sculptures from artists around the globe, 18-month event offically kicks off on Oct. 21 at green spaces all over the city. Learn more Wednesday October 5th, 2005 PICTURE OF THE DAY: Rock and a Hard Place Little Ayaka calls to Jean Pierre Joleul for a lift as they explore a new sculpture in Devonian Park along Georgia Street at the entrance to Stanley Park. Learn more Saturday October 1st, 2005 WHAT’S INSIDE- 7 days GOOD EVIL...Dennis Oppenheim's Device to Root Out Evil under constuction for the Internaitonal biennale. Learn more