Wednesday June 11th, 2014 Oliver Stone’s The Untold History of the United States looks for the truth A remarkable thing happened after the release of Oliver Stone’s JFK in 1991. “The JFK Records Act was passed [the following year] as a result of the brouhaha around the film,” Stone himself says, talking to the Georgia Straight from Los Angeles. “The congressmen were trying to prove that no conspiracy had happened, that the Warren Commission had been on the up-and-up. And it wasn’t on the up-and-up.” Learn more Wednesday June 11th, 2014 “I Have a Dream” Pietrasanta Cultivating peace and building community through art Dreams are being born in Pietrasanta, as we type this. “I Have a Dream” is a project by Indian artist Shweta Bhattad, which will be presented at the 2014/2016 Vancouver Biennale with a giant video-installation. All countries can participate and Italy is represented by Tatiana Villani, with the use of the land – and the active help of – Argentinian artist and farmer Silvina Spravkin and her husband Mariano Moriconi. There is a wide network of other participants from Pietrasanta’s Luogo Comune, and other associations. Learn more Thursday May 29th, 2014 Acceptance takes centre stage in Surrey “Girls have to be pretty.” “Boys have to be strong.” “Girls must be polite.” “Boys have muscles.” As the words were read, Grade 4 and 5 students from Simon Cunningham Elementary danced on the Bell Performing Arts Centre stage last week, exploring the array of gender stereotypes common in society. At the end, they shouted “Diversity is our strength!” Learn more Wednesday May 21st, 2014 Post Past | A Vancouver Biennale & VNB Photo Exhibition Project For its 3rd edition, the Vancouver Biennale has invited Virginie Lamarche and Bastien Desfriches Doria of VNB Photo to create a new photographic portfolio in documentation of all guest artists, curators and residency coordinators involved with the 2014-2016 Vancouver Biennale programs. Learn more Wednesday May 14th, 2014 I HAVE A DREAM, NASCONO SOGNI IN VERSILIA PIETRASANTA. I sogni nascono in Versilia. A Pietrasanta è in corso la realizzazione del progetto artistico “Ho un sogno” che verrà presentato alla Biennale di Vancouver 2014/2016, all’interno del progetto “I Have a Dream”, in una gigantesca video- installazione realizzata e progettata dall’artista indiana Shweta Bhattad. Learn more Tuesday May 13th, 2014 Vancouver’s West End takes the long view for future success An award-winning marketing campaign and plans for a revitalized community plan have put the neighbourhood on a positive path. Learn more Thursday May 8th, 2014 Art hand in hand with nature For over 20 years, the work that merges art and  sustainable design  Gaucho Hugo France gained recognition on the international scene. His functional pieces made ​​fromtrunks of aged tree, bring, according to himself, "the nature of returns to human society." Interested in this organic resurrection, those responsible for the Vancouver Biennale invited the gaucho designer to spend a season in Canada and produce ecofriendly replacement for the 2014-2015 edition. 's first destination was the designer Squamish, where blazed the nature and the characteristics of known local wood. After he left for Vancouver, 60 km away, and ended the search for parts that would use into your new creations. After choosing ten trees doomed by nature or by man, turned them into huge pieces of art - furniture that will serve the public in both years of the Biennale - while developing workshops with the local population. Learn more Wednesday May 7th, 2014 Controversial Art Green Lighted Get ready New Westminster for four big, rusty transport containers sticking out of Westminster Pier Park. Or be prepared to be wowed by a beautiful piece of public art. It's up to the eye of the beholder to determine which statement is true. Like it or not, the work—Wow New Westminster—will soon grace the city's riverfront. Learn more Tuesday May 6th, 2014 Public art project OK’d The topic of public art has garnered more discussion for one city councillor this week than traffic, in the buildup to a vote on whether to participate in a public art exhibition that will cost the City of New Westminster up to $90,000. When he talks to people in the community, Coun. Jonathan Cote said they usually want to discuss traffic issues. "Not this week," he said Monday. "It was definitely all about public art." Council passed the controversial motion, with Mayor Wayne Wright and Coun. Chuck Puchmayr opposed, to proceed with three installations as part of the Vancouver Biennale, a public art exhibition that features works by celebrated and emerging international artists. Learn more Friday May 2nd, 2014 Winnipeg artist’s sculpture going to Vancouver Biennale A bronze sculpture by Winnipeg artist Ivan Eyre will be installed at a Vancouver park this month as part of the 2014 Vancouver Biennale, a celebration of art in public spaces. Bird Wrap, Eyre's 2.4-metre sculpture of a kneeling "mythical bird man," is being transported to Vancouver, where it will take up residence at Thornton Park until July 2016. Learn more