Thursday July 10th, 2014 International art star wowed by Squamish Vancouver Biennale is ramping up and Squamish continues to rock the international art stage welcoming two world-renowned artists over the course of only a few short weeks. Learn more Monday June 30th, 2014 Coriander art in hill hamlet Wangdi Sherpa, a 33-year-old artist from Rampuria who is now based in Vadodara, Gujarat, has started the unique project in the village where farmers were encouraged to participate in the “I have a dream,” project, which in Nepali translates to “Mero euta sapana cha.” Sherpa encouraged the farmers to grow coriander, which when fully grown has turned into a relief work, its design spelling out the words “Mero euta sapana cha.” Learn more Sunday June 29th, 2014 ‘I have a dream will highlight farmers’ problems’ City artist Shweta Bhattad takes her art away from the confines of a studio to connect with the community. Through art residencies in India and abroad she has always picked up social issues. Food, women empowerment, saving the girl child and more recently problems in rural areas are some themes she has highlighted during these events. An invitation to be a part of the prestigious art residency, Biennale 2014-2016 to be held at Vancouver in Canada has spurred her to take farmer issues to an international platform. Before leaving for the event she shared the details with TOI. Learn more Tuesday June 24th, 2014 Arte brasileira aterriza em Vancouver A paisagem de Vancouver e Squamish, cidades localizadas na costa oeste do Canadá, tiveram o privilégio de receber a arte do renomado artista brasileiro Hugo França que esteve por esses lados participando da Bienal de Vancouver 2014-2016. Learn more Monday June 23rd, 2014 Brazilian artists mentor North Vancouver students VANCOUVER, B.C. — The famous laughing statutes near English Bay have become icons of Vancouver. Now the Brazilian group behind those big grins are at it again – this time using emerging local talent to help with their latest installation that’s set to be unveiled in North Vancouver tomorrow. Learn more Monday June 23rd, 2014 Director Oliver Stone talks weather Learn more Monday June 23rd, 2014 Oliver Stone Film Maker – Masterclass Academy Award winning director Oliver Stone at SFU's Goldcorp Centre for the Arts. It offered a rare chance for the public to engage with one of the most provocative documentary filmmakers of our time. Learn more Sunday June 22nd, 2014 Maverick Filmmaker Says America Destroying The World! Last Saturday night I attended one of the most invigorating talks combining my two passions – politics and film – with Hollywood film legend Oliver Stone, the man behind some of the most seminal American films like JFK, Platoon, Born On The 4th of July, Salvador and On Any Given Sunday! Stone is a complete package – a great, firebrand filmmaker, a man of the world, a former Vietnam war veteran who’s turned anti-war and a fierce critic of American imperialism and exceptionalism seeped in bloodshed and killing of innocents around the world! Learn more Friday June 20th, 2014 Vancouver Biennale opens borders It was born in Venice, and after crossing an ocean and a century, landed on North Vancouver's waterfront with the intention of staying the summer. The Vancouver Biennale's 2014-2016 exhibition is upon us. Inspired by that first festival in 1895, the Biennale is a festival with films, art installations, and museums drenched in sunshine. "The open air museum brings neighbourhoods together and people together," says Vancouver Biennale president Barrie Mowatt. Learn more Thursday June 19th, 2014 A Master Class With Oliver Stone – Your first film. The Djavad Mowafaghian theatre at SFU Woodwards is no stranger to student films. Ever since the school opened its doors in 2010, emerging filmmakers have screened their work here. This past weekend, the Vancouver Biennale presented a special student film. The biggest difference? Last Year in Vietnam was directed by Academy Award-winner Oliver Stone. Learn more