Wednesday August 27th, 2014 OSGEMEOS: dupla de artistas expõe obra na Bienal de Vancouver Os irmãos Gustavo e Otávio Pandolfo, que ficaram conhecidos por todo o mundo sob a alcunha OSGEMEOS, criaram um mural tridimensional para a Bienal de Vancouver. Para o evento a céu aberto, que fica em cartaz até 2016, a dupla criou uma intervenção em seis gigantescos tonéis na enseada False Creek, transformando-os em seus famosos personagens amarelos. Learn more Tuesday August 26th, 2014 Granville Island’s OSGEMEOS mural part of Vancouver Biennale Brazilian artists Os Gemeos are busy transforming several concrete silos on Granville Island as part of the 2014 – 2016 Vancouver Biennale artistic exhibition. Learn more Monday August 25th, 2014 Granville Island Silos Transformed Into Giants For Vancouver Biennale Giants have descended upon Vancouver's popular Granville Island. Six industrial concrete silos there are being transformed into a vibrant mural, thanks to internationally acclaimed street artists, Os Gemeos Learn more Monday August 25th, 2014 Streets: Os Gemeos (Vancouver)- Part II Although it has only been several days since we first reported on the start of a massive new 3D mural that Os Gemeos are working on for the Vancouver Biennale, twin brothers Gustavo and Otavio Pandolfo have already made huge progress on this project. Painting six large silos located on Granville Island, the Brazilian artists are working their way very fast through their biggest public work to date Learn more Saturday August 23rd, 2014 Os Gemeos Work In Progress Os Gemeos are bringing their "Giants" project to Canada where they are currently transforming six giant industrial silos with their signature characters for the Vancouver Biennale 2014 on Granville Island in Vancouver. The mural is part of the Vancouver Biennale’s 2014-2016 exhibition, a non-profit organisation that celebrates art in public spaces.  Public crowd source funding is helping to offset the cost of the $125,000 project. The Brazilian duo should be done by September 7th so keep your eyes peeled on Street Art News for our final images on these yellow "Giant". Learn more Thursday August 21st, 2014 Os Gemeos colorizes six giant silos on Vancouver’s Granville Island Os Gemeos takes their ongoing 'giants' project to Canada, transforming six industrial silos with their bold mural painting for the Vancouver Biennale. Sited on Granville Island, the Brazilian brotherly duo are renewing the industrial landmark, which is home of the ocean cement manufacturing and distribution plant, into an enormous public art work that spans 360-degrees of the 23-meter (75 foot) tall cylindrical forms. In its completion the mural will measure a total of 7200 square meters (23, 5000 square feet) - their largest opus to date - bringing renewed life to the locale, positioned alongside the world-famous public market, Emily Carr University and boat docks that attracts 10.5 million visitors per year. Learn more Wednesday August 20th, 2014 Brazil’s OSGEMEOS brings graffiti to Granville Island Celebrated artists Gustavo and Otavio Pandolfo, aka OSGEMEOS, are painting their largest-ever public mural on Granville Island. Learn more Wednesday August 20th, 2014 Os Gemeos Mega Mural For Vancouver Biennale Os Gemeos are currently in Vancouver, BC, working on a fantastic new project for the Vancouver Binneale. Continuing their ongoing series of murals titled “Giants” previously realized in Greece, USA, Poland, Portugal, the Netherlands, Brazil and England, these six gigantic 70-foot (21 metre) tall silos, are gonna be their largest mural to date, and their first one painted in Canada. Learn more Monday August 18th, 2014 Beaches galore on Vancouver’s English Bay VANCOUVER – English Bay offers a spectacular view, ships anchored in the water, an expansive number of beaches and a surprising amount of art. The 14 larger-than-life laughing bronze statues, self-portraits of a renowned Chinese artist, are hard to miss even with the many other notable distractions near Vancouver’s West End residential neighbourhood. Known as “A-maze-ing Laughter,” the statues, created by Yue Minjun, have been a favourite of locals and visitors since their arrival in 2009. The installation was originally brought in for Vancouver Biennale, a biannual public art exhibition that features sculptures, new media and performance works by celebrated and emerging international artists. Learn more Monday August 18th, 2014 Streets: Os Gemeos (Vancouver) Part 1 Os Gemeos are currently in Vancouver working on an impressive outdoor project organized by the Vancouver Biennale. Painting six large silos, on the full 360 degree surface covering 23,500 square feet (7,162 square metres), this is going to be their biggest mural to date, and their first one in Canada. Learn more