Thursday September 10th, 2009 Amir Ali Alibhai, Executive Director of Alliance for Arts & Culture Speaks at Arts Strike, Vancouver Art Gallery, 09/09/09 The above video was recorded during the Art Strike rally at the Vancouver Art Gallery on 09/09/09. Amir Ali Alibhai, executive director of the… Wednesday September 9th, 2009 BC Government Still Cutting Arts: Hello? Guest Post by Sandra Garossino Memo to Gordon Campbell:  Try to find time to read your own government commissioned research. The government has only… Tuesday September 1st, 2009 Liu Jianhua's Pillows: iPhone Photos Taken @ Harbour Green Jer Crowle is a local artist/designer/photographer who currently lives and works on Galiano Island. That doesn’t stop him from making regular… Monday August 31st, 2009 Sculptures Playing with People: The Meeting in Cardero Park Those of you who live in Vancouver don’t need me to tell you how ridiculously beautiful the weather has been around here lately and those of you … Wednesday August 26th, 2009 Wet Concrete! Two New Public Art Installations: Vancouver Biennale Summer is raging full on toward September and Vancouver is in its glory.  Sunshine is leaping in sheets of silver across English Bay, the mountains… Thursday August 20th, 2009 Barbora in the Sunshine: Vancouver Biennale Some more photographs of Barbora by Lithuanian artist Vladas Vildžiūnas shown here basking in the sunshine of an August afternoon. These photos are… Wednesday August 19th, 2009 New Vancouver Biennale Installations Inspire Debate About Public Art It’s been an auspicious beginning for the Vancouver Biennale. As the August temperatures remain high and the summer sun drenches the city with… Thursday August 13th, 2009 Yue Minjun: Sneak Preview of Amazing Art: Vancouver Biennale Yue Minjun was born in Beijing, China in 1962. He is one of the most important artists of the Chinese avant-garde. He lives and works in Beijing and… Tuesday August 11th, 2009 Barbora in the Park at Pacific Central Station: Vancouver Biennale Elegant, enigmatic Barbora has alighted on Thronton Park across from the famous and stately Pacific Central Station near the intersection of Terminal… Wednesday August 5th, 2009 Michael Zheng's The STOP: The Vancouver Biennale has Started! Michael Zheng‘s The STOP has been installed in two locations in Vancouver to kick off the 2009-2011 edition of the Vancouver Biennale!  These…