Wednesday June 18th, 2014 Public art a powerful force Next time you pass the intersection of 21st and Lonsdale take a moment and look at the new piece of public art situated in the green space just south… Wednesday June 18th, 2014 Os Gêmeos on the seduction of graffiti art Jian speaks with one half of twin brother team Os Gêmeos, internationally celebrated graffiti artist Gustavo Pandolfo. The artist reflects on his work … Tuesday June 17th, 2014 Le cinéaste Oliver Stone de passage à Vancouver La Biennale de Vancouver a invité le célèbre cinéaste américain Oliver Stone a venir parler de son engagement social et de l’importance de… Monday June 16th, 2014 Oliver Stone – Re: History. Oliver Stone is a natural born storyteller. Ask the legendary director if he’s been to Vancouver before, and he launches into a tale that involves a… Monday June 16th, 2014 Interview with Jenna Tenn-Yuk Ariana Barer speaks with Jenna Tenn-Yuk, spoken word artist, public speaker, educator and singer-songwriter from Mississauga, Ontario. She is one of… Friday June 13th, 2014 Stone brings American history lesson to Canada via Vancouver Biennale The Vancouver Biennale – which brings public art such as A-maze-ing Laughter to the city – wanted to go big with the launch of its new film program.… Friday June 13th, 2014 Oliver Stone Turns Hawk Eye on American History Oliver Stone says he’s still in recovery. “When I was young, I was brainwashed by the American history that I learned. It was benign, a Disney version … Wednesday June 11th, 2014 Oliver Stone takes on a snowless Vancouver as he announces plans for Snowden film VANCOUVER — Oliver Stone says he’s still in recovery. “When I was young, I was brainwashed by the American history that I learned. It was benign, a… Wednesday June 11th, 2014 Oliver Stone’s The Untold History of the United States looks for the truth A remarkable thing happened after the release of Oliver Stone’s JFK in 1991. “The JFK Records Act was passed [the following year] as a result of the… Wednesday June 11th, 2014 “I Have a Dream” Pietrasanta Cultivating peace and building community through art Dreams are being born in Pietrasanta, as we type this. “I Have a Dream” is a project by Indian artist Shweta Bhattad, which will be presented at the…